Darci Woodyard - Coordinator
Suzanne Storey - Finance
Catherine Woodbury - Hospitality
Lesa Brown - Creative Activities
Sherry Brown - Discussion Groups
Trish Winkler - Publicity
Leslie Keck
Nell Ann McBroom
Are you wondering how you could
get involved in leadership? Get Growing is this year's theme for MOPS. We
are being encouraged to get growing as individuals and as leaders. All it
takes to be a leader is vision and commitment.
Publicity helps in
writing monthly newsletter articles, getting ads or donations, marketing
for MOPS at community events
Creative Activities
helps in finding (and purchasing) craft ideas or life skills for moms to
complete during monthly meetings
Discussion Groups leads
small group discussions at monthly meetings, oversees needs and happenings
within small groups
Finance helps in
planning a budget, planning and organizing fundraisers
Hospitality plans and
organizes decorations and menu for monthly meetings; arranges gifts for
special events
If you would like to be
involved with any of these teams, please contact Darci at 825-5451, or
speak with a member of the steering team. You do not need to be a member
of the Church of Christ to have a leadership role in MOPS.
We are so blessed to have three
wonderful ladies serving as our mentor moms. The role of the mentor is to
use her own experiences as a mother through the years to advise the less
experienced mothers. Our mentors realize that raising preschoolers is a
very demanding and delicate job.
Each of these ladies is very
approachable and realizes that what we might discuss with them is strictly
confidential. They are committed to us physically: they may hold our
babies for us during the meetings, listen to our problems or concerns, or
offer a shoulder to cry on. But, most importantly, they are committed to
us spiritually, offering up prayers in our behalf, especially when
specifically asked.
Please get to know these
special women: they are truly God sent!
Glenda Gee
Lisa Paschall
Gayle Storey
Kay Alexander
Linda Eldred